Tuesday 15 January 2008

Basic InformationName: Ben Smith Age: 27Nationality: White BritishHometown: CrawleyCurrent Residence: Police Cell Occupation: HitmanSiblings (describe relationship): NoneSpouse (describe relationship): Murdered Children (describe relationship): Murdered Grandparents (describe relationship): NoneGrandchildren (describe relationship): None Significant Others (describe relationship): NoneRelationship skills: PoorPhysical Characteristics:Height: 6ft2Weight: 13 stoneRace: BritishSkin color: WhiteShape of Face: OvalDistinguishing features: Scar on right cheek on faceHow does he/she dress? CasualHabits: (smoking, drinking etc.) Drinking Health: GoodStyle (Elegant, shabby etc.): Normal/ casual Greatest flaw: The thought of his wife and child deadBest quality: NoneWhich character from a thriller film is your character most likened to? SawIntellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and AttitudesEducational Background: Good at school straight A’s Intelligence Level: Very smart Any Mental Illnesses? NoCharacter's short-term goals in life: To seek revenge on those who killed his familyCharacter's long-term goals in life: As aboveHow self-confident is the character? VeryWhat would most embarrass this character?How the Character is Involved in the StoryCharacter's role in the thriller (Protagonist/antagonist etc.): ProtagonistScene where character first appears: 1st scene he is in a cell and the camera flashes back to his wife and child being killedRelationships with other characters:1. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the film). Murderer 1 – (John) – He has no compassion of John what so ever and takes great pride in killing him. 2. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the film). Murderer 2 – (Mark) – same with the 2nd character. How character is different at the end of the film from when the film began:
Ben has not changed at all during the film except he got some sort of revenge but still does not fill he has justified his wives and child’s death.
Task 2 thriller

The protagonist in a thriller is the main character. The protagonist is the good person in a thriller. Usually the protagonist is the hero but not all the time. In a thriller a protagonist will always have an opposition which is an antagonist.

The antagonist in a thriller is usually another lead character in a thriller. The antagonist is usually bad and normally gets defeated by the protagonist.

Here is an example of an antagonist in a film:

The silence of the lambs. “The antagonist in this film is Hannibal Lecter.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter is a brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer based on a series of novels by Thomas Harris. He appears in several novels: Hannibal Rising, Red Dragon, the Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal. All four of the novels were adapted into film, with Red Dragon being adapted twice as Man hunter and Red Dragon.Lecter was one of two primary antagonists in The Silence of the Lambs. In the third novel, Hannibal, Lecter becomes the main character. His role as protagonist continues into Hannibal Rising, another film that is based on the Thomas Harris novels, which explores his childhood and development into a serial killer.Hannibal Lecter is described as being small and sleek, and with wiry strength in his arms. In the book, Red Dragon, it is revealed that Dr. Lecter's left hand has an extremely rare condition called mid ray duplication sexdactyly, his left hand has an extra digit; an exactly duplicated middle finger. In Hannibal, he has since had his extra digit removed, while Hannibal rising makes no mention of this physical abnormality. Lecter's eyes are shade of maroon, and reflect the light in "pinpoints of red". He is also said to have small white teeth and dark hair. In Silence of The Lambs, Dr. Chilton claims Lecter is a pure sociopath. This observation is supported in the third film, Red Dragon, when Detective Will Graham points out that Lecter tortured and killed animals as a child, a common early warning sign of sociopaths. Although it is debated whether Lecter is a sociopath or a psychopath, as of the writing of the DSM:IV TR the two terms have been placed under the umbrella of Anti-Social Personality Disorder, the main universal feature being lack of remorse.Hannibal Lecter has numerous interests that come to light, including psychiatry (his profession prior to incarceration), medicine and physiology, cooking ('The Joy of Cooking' being one of the books in his cell), art (being a skilled artist in his own right), and music. (He is notably fond of Bach's Goldberg Variations, performed by Glenn Gould. Also being adept at Mandolin and Piano). In Hannibal (the novel), we also learn that Dr. Lecter is a man of great taste in all aspects of life, from his choice of transportation (vintage Jaguar) to culinary skills (he serves the brains of one of his victims at the end of both the movie and book versions of Hannibal, both with different endings). While in Italy, he was also portrayed as well versed in Italian literature and history, winning the post of curator by analyzing Dante's portrayal of Judas in Dante's "The Divine Comedy" among other topics. He also possesses an extraordinary sense of smell, capable of distinguishing with great accuracy the perfumes worn by Agent Clarice Starling when she visited his cell in The Silence of the Lambs.In Red Dragon, we learn that he is a brilliant psychiatrist who is incarcerated after he is revealed to be a cannibalistic serial killer. Lecter spends his time during his incarceration writing articles for medical journals.Red Dragon was a best seller, which depicted Special Agent Will Graham consulting Lecter on catching a serial killer known only to law enforcement and media as "The Tooth Fairy". Will Graham was the agent who captured Lecter and incarcerated him. Some years later, in The Silence of the Lambs, Lecter assisted a rookie FBI Agent named Clarice Starling on catching a killer known only as Buffalo Bill. Lecter only exploits the killer's weaknesses upon Starling telling him about her childhood demons. Lecter develops a romantic interest in Starling, and he escapes from eight years of incarceration during a transfer to another facility.In Hannibal, which took place seven years after the end of Silence of the Lambs, Lecter is found to be residing in Florence, Italy and is attempting to be captured by one of his vengeful surviving victims named Mason Verger. Lecter returns to the United States and is captured by Verger, only to be rescued by Starling.In the end, Starling attempts to apprehend Lecter. Lecter then escapes from Starling's custody after revealing to Starling that he loved her.” – IMDB.COM

Here is another example of an antagonist:
A clockwork orange. A clockwork orange is a gruesome film and quite disturbing. The main character in the film is Alex de large. Alex is a antagonist in the film.
“It is unknown when Alex was born, since his movie, A Clockwork Orange, takes place in the not so distant future, but he is young. He was born in England, and caused a great deal of trouble in his youth. He ran around with a gang, and took drugs, not thinking twice about raping a few women. He was eventually thrown in jail for murdering a woman, and accepted a deal years later that if he allowed the government to try a new treatment on him, he'd be out of prison. The treatment consisted of locking his eyes open, and forcing him to watch violent videos with his favorite music, Beethoven, playing in the background. Whenever he thought of violence or sex, he'd get physically ill. Outside of prison, he ran into people he had hurt in the past, and was unable to protect himself. The treatment was decided to be a bad idea, since Alex could no longer make his own choices, so what was the point of being human? The treatment was reversed, and Alex has since gone back to his evil ways” – IMBD.COM
Here is an example of an antagonist:

Halloween I (remake). The antagonist in this film is Dr Loomis. Dr Loomis tries to help Michael Myers (the protagonist). Michael refuses to listen to Dr Loomis and carries out a murder spree.

Tuesday 8 January 2008

The Definition of Thriller

There is not a narrow definition for thriller. A thriller is made up by the sudden rush of emotions, the excitement, and sense of suspense, apprehension, and exhilaration that drive the narrative, sometimes subtly with peaks and lulls, sometimes at a constant, breakneck pace." In short, a thriller is exactly what it says it is. It thrills. The following is quoted on
“Thriller is a genre of fiction in which tough, resourceful, but essentially ordinary heroes are pitted against villains determined to destroy them, their country, or the stability of the free world. Part of the allure of thrillers comes from not only what their stories are about, but also how they are told. High stakes, non-stop action, plot twists that both surprise and excite, settings that are both vibrant and exotic, and an intense pace that never lets up until the adrenalin packed climax.”
Thriller novels provide a rich literary feast embracing a wide variety of worlds - the law, espionage, action-adventure, medicine, police and crime, romance, history, politics, high-tech, and religion.Thrillers are usually about life and death situations. Other examples of this genre in literature include The Da Vinci Code, The Hunt for Red October, The Day of the Jackal, and Jurassic Park.
The Thriller fiction genre is a genre of literature that typically entails fast-paced plots, numerous action scenes, and limited character development. One example is that: the hero, who may even be an ordinary citizen drawn into danger and intrigue by circumstances beyond their control faces danger alone or in the company of a small band of companions. The protagonist may be a law enforcement agent, a journalist, or a soldier, but typically he or she is cut off from the resources of "their" organization.
Part of the allure of thrillers comes from not only what their stories are about but how they are told. The plot of a thriller is usually driven by the villain, who presents obstacles that the hero must overcome.